Thursday, February 16, 2012

UofT Faculty and Students Fight Deal With Access Copyright - Urge Suspension of Ratification - Must Read


Ariel Katz reports:
The University of Toronto Students’ Union, the University of Toronto Graduate Students’ Union, and the University of Toronto Faculty Association have just sent a letter to the University Governing Council protesting the UofT – Access Copyright Agreement. They urge the Governors to “suspend any further step towards ratification of the Agreement until the Agreement has been thoroughly reviewed, and, if appropriate, re-negotiated or discarded.”
He also posts a very detailed, incisive and forceful letter from the above organizations to the Governing Council. This is must read for the entire educational and copyright community in Canada.

This could become very interesting, and indeed as early as the afternoon's Governing Council UofT today at 4:30. The audio webcast will be available here.  


1 comment:

  1. Very interesting letter and broadcast. If an archived version of the meeting's broadcast becomes available, I'm sure other's would appreciate that too! (I wasn't quick enough to record and listen.)
